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Following Fans' Rage Bethesda Confirmed Fallout New Vegas Is Part of Canon

Players have some burning questions about Amazon's TV show.

This article contains spoilers for the Fallout series.

The Fallout TV show launched on Amazon on April 12, and while it is generally well-accepted, passionate fans of the franchise have some issues with it.

Players accused the creators of changing the events of Fallout: New Vegas, one of the most popular games in the franchise developed by Obsidian Entertainment. You see, the sixth episode of the show mentions the fall of Shady Sands, the capital of the New California Republic (NCR).

As IGN pointed out, in the show, taking place in 2296, the destruction of Shady Sands has scattered the NCR, and it's not clear if the remaining group is all that's left of the NCR or just a fraction of it. Fans argue that this retcons New Vegas's events; they raise a question of whether the showrunners just excluded the game from the canon.

Emil Pagliarulo, the Studio Design Director at Bethesda, was quick to dispel the rumors and provide a timeline for the franchise, with New Vegas included. This, however, didn't persuade some people. All over the internet, you will find hot fights over how these two media are connected, with fans arguing about the meaning of the "fall". Some say Shady Sands wasn't destroyed in 2277, it just started to decline so New Vegas's events in 2281 still make sense, others disagree.

This whole confusion is partly due to different teams working on the franchise. The first two Fallouts were developed by Interplay, then Bethesda bought the rights and released Fallout 3, and New Vegas was made by Obsidian. It's no wonder some facts could have shifted. 

Whether or not it's true, the show creators didn't try to please the game's fans: "It's kind of a fool's errand to try to figure out how to make [other] people happy." 

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