
Footage of Smashing Down the Enemy to Blood & Dismembered Bodies

Airtight City 2.0: Awakening lets you be a relentless killing machine.

Have a look at this video clip shared by Twitter user Cuber Chen, an indie game developer working on an action RPG titled Airtight City 2.0: Awakening. The 14-second footage showcases a sick melee combat animation of the mechanical creature smashing down the enemy, leaving only blood and dismembered bodies on the ground. 

In this work-in-process project made with Unity, which the solo dev calls “art of violence in the third-person view,” the player will take the role of a relentless killing machine. “Combine your advanced firearms, diversity skills, and powerful melee system to knock-down, slash, dismemberment, stomp, crush enemies in extreme bloody and violent ways,” reads the game description page. 

Maintain Sharp Edges, Cuber.Chen

If the clip on the top is far from being enough to get the essence of the game, don’t worry; get ready for more insane footage, presenting a sneak peek at the various features, such as Dismemberment Mode, core combat mechanics, dual-blade mode, execution system, and more: 

Airtight City 2.0: Awakening is listed as “coming soon” on Steam, and don't hesitate to add it to your wishlist if you don't want to miss out on experiencing crazy killings as such. Also, you can support the project on Patreon and help with the development of the game. 

The Airtight City 1.0, a third-person horror-type action shooting game from the developer, is available for $1.99 on Steam. It’s worth checking out for fans of this genre while waiting for the launch of the new title. 

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This project includes assets, maps, materials, Blueprints, and effects created in the Unreal Engine. Each asset was created for realistic AAA quality visuals, style, and budget.

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