
Google Works on a New Gaming Platform and Streaming Service

Google is said to work on a new gaming platform and streaming service called Yeti that will compete with XBox and PlayStation.

Google is said to work on a new gaming platform and streaming service called Yeti that will compete with XBox and PlayStation. The giant is working on a futuristic game-streaming service, with an idea of launching a physical console. 

Gizmodo states that “Yeti” will use Internet to support the service similar to PlayStation Now. Both Yeti and Now use the concept of Netflix, when you can stream titles on a one-off subscription basis, without the need to buy hard copies.

Microsoft’s Xbox One also has a streaming service called Xbox Game Pass, but it requires users to download the games to their consoles instead of streaming. The Verge has also mentioned that Google has invited former PlayStation and Xbox executive Phil Harrison to lead the development.

The thing here is that the new project will allow gamers to stream games via Chrome and ChromeCast and that’s definitely a huge advantage.

Google has already stepped into the gaming market with Nexus Q on the mobile side, but a home entertainment system is a whole new world.

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Comments 3

  • Anonymous user


    Or, perhaps it will be good.  And indies will get good exposure.  I've already tinkered with streaming gaming services, and while they aren't issue-free yet, it works and opens up the playing field for a larger audience.

    Google has a lot of processing power available to them.  That combined with dozens... Hundreds of other feasible technologies, it wouldn't be out of the realm of possibility for them to nail this while at the same time making it approachable for indie and AAA developers alike.  Those lines are quickly blurring.

    People need to get over the way free-to-play games are nowadays.  It's a dead horse.  Also, lumping all free-to-play games into the same box of judgment is ignorant and likely coming from a lack of actual knowledge and research.  There are PLENTY of awesome games, that are free, without ads or any PTW formula.

    Or were you just being grumbly and opinionated with some sort of purpose/intent?


    Anonymous user

    ·6 years ago·
  • Anonymous user

    Maybe, it's going to be a good one. Who knows.


    Anonymous user

    ·6 years ago·
  • Warkarma

    Lol. This will end up like a Android market. Full of loot boxes and pay to win games. Also zero exposure for devs who didn't get any advertising from Google. And maybe yet another platform for exclusive game titles...



    ·6 years ago·

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