
How the Original Doom Impact on the Combat of Doom The Dark Ages

"Every projectile mattered in the original Doom."

DOOM: The Dark Ages has been officially announced with an intense trailer. Storywise, now we already know that the new title is a prequel to Doom (2016) and Doom Eternal (2020), set in a Middle Ages kingdom and recounting the origin of the Doom Slayer as he battles the forces of Hell.

As a franchise with a history of over three decades, fans would naturally anticipate fresh elements while also hoping for the preservation of the franchise's core essence. So, as discussions emerge about this upcoming game, Creative Director Hugo Martin spoke with Games Radar about how Doom: The Dark Ages is spiritually connected to the original game.

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He and the team would play the original Doom at the start of every development cycle. "We still didn't hit the mark," says Martin. This realization led to the birth of Doom: The Dark Ages.

Martin noticed how slowly projectiles moved in the original game. This realization became a "core pillar" of what the team set for Doom: The Dark Ages. 

"The movement is more horizontal as you weave your way between the projectiles, and every projectile mattered in the original Doom.

If you were an F22 fighter jet in Doom Eternal, this time around we wanted you to feel like an Abrams tank. It means you're more powerful and grounded."

id Software

Regarding combat in the upcoming game, Martin holds a perspective that for those who were introduced to the Doom universe through the reboot, the combat system in will seem like a reimagined system. Yet, for those who started playing from the original DOOM, "you'll see it's really a return to form."

If you've seen the trailer, you might have observed the sheer number of demons the Slayer can eliminate. Martin discloses that the franchise will feature more demons than ever before:

"There's a shot where the Slayer turns a corner and he's killing so many of them. Using that spread shotgun and doing all that damage, with all the gore bits coming off, and the feedback that we can achieve now in games is just incredible It's so exciting to be able to provide that for players.

The tech is really allowing us to do some of the biggest spaces and biggest AI, and the weapons feel like the most powerful you've ever held in a Doom game." 

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When it comes to weapons in the shooter game, Martin goes on to explain the capabilities of the shield saw, the main weapon depicted in the trailer: 

"There's a lot of stuff you can do with the shield. You can block attacks, you can parry projectiles, there are melee weapons you can combo attacks with – you use it to solve problems. You basically exploit weaknesses with the shield in your left hand, and then you hurt things with the guns in your right. It's pretty simple."

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