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How To Create Wet Maps Using Houdini 20.5's COPs

Stormz presented an in-depth look at the technique used for SideFX's short film Turbulence made using Houdini 20.5's new tools.

As Stormz, 3D Artist who focuses on educational content for Houdini, explained, since the launch video for Houdini 20.5 demonstrated a method for creating a wet map using the new Copernicus framework, he wanted to delve further into the specifics of how this was accomplished.

This video provides an in-depth analysis of a technique used in the short film Turbulence and offers a more detailed look at its breakdown presented by Christopher Rutledge and Magnus Møller as a part of HIVE 2024. Check out the original video below and unlock the power of Houdini 20.5 by learning how to create a wet map using Copernicus, OpenCL, and more with Stormz's tutorial:

There are also project files available on Patreon if you wish to support the artist and dissect everything node by node. Stormz has recently done a series of introductory videos on Copernicus that are definitely worth a look:

Subscribe to his YouTube channel for more Houdini tutorials and don't forget to join our 80 Level Talent platform and our Telegram channel, follow us onInstagramTwitterLinkedInTikTok, and Reddit, where we share breakdowns, the latest news, awesome artworks, and more.

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