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Indie Game Developers on Ways to Find Funding

Check out a cool article from Unreal Engine where indie game developers shared their experience on getting funding for their projects. 

Bee Simulator

Unreal Engine talked to indie game dev team during Unreal Indies Week 2021 and asked them about their ways of finding funding for the game development. Teams from Argentina, Iceland, Australia, and Poland shared their stories. Many developers have a non-gaming background, and their career paths helped them find successful ways to get funding. 

For example, Lukasz Rosinski worked in Polish capital markets when he started developing Bee Simulator and founded his own company Varsav Game Studios. From the times when he worked in capital markets, he knew there are companies that are ready to invest in games. 

I've been working with brokerage houses here in Poland and financing many technological companies; among them were some companies that were game developers. I started to think about financing this project, of course, by using the capital markets here in Poland. I asked some of the investors that were involved in some other games companies if they would be interested in financing my company. They really liked the idea.

Lukasz Rosinski

Nick Pierce, a modder who created The Forgotten City, quit his legal career and used his 10-year savings to invest in the game at first and make it more advanced. 

I got started with a combination of savings from my 10-year legal career as well as grants from Film Victoria, a government arts body here in Victoria. And once the game was more advanced, we were lucky enough to land an Unreal Dev Grant, a no-strings-attached grant from Epic Games that extended our production runway long enough for us to land a publishing deal with Dear Villagers.

Nick Pierce

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