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INDUSTRIA 2 to Feature the Coolest Diegetic Inventory System

Currently WIP, the system is evolving into something truly remarkable.

A couple of months ago, the Bleakmill team finally unveiled INDUSTRIA 2, a long-awaited sequel to the team's 2021 "half-like" action FPS set in the Cold War era, an announcement that was preceded by dozens of impressive WIP demos highlighting the game's realistic UE5-powered environments.

After the big reveal, the team kept up their Twitter devlog, regularly sharing exciting behind-the-scenes showcases of INDUSTRIA 2's features, combat animations, and gameplay mechanics with the community.

Recently, the devs amazed everyone by offering a sneak peek at the work-in-progress version of the game's inventory system, revealing it to be a 3D twist on a classic diegetic inventory setup, reminiscent of games like Resident Evil and Alone in the Dark.

Stylized as an unrolled canvas pack, the system looks intuitive and immersive, with various slots for active and stored weapons, grenades, and crafting materials. The team emphasized that the system is very early in development and will be further tweaked and refined going forward.

And here are some more of Bleakmill's latest demos for INDUSTRIA 2:

You can learn more about INDUSTRIA 2 and wishlist the upcoming game by clicking this link. We also highly recommend visiting the game's official Twitter page to check out the stunning demos they regularly share.

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