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Intel Researchers Presented A New Large-World Tessellation Approach

Concurrent Binary Trees for Large-Scale Game Components paper introduces a component implementation suitable for planetary-scaled tessellated scenes, enabling bigger and better worlds for players to explore.

For the latest techniques in efficiently rendering large-scale game components, take a look at Intel's Anis Benyoub and Jonathan Dupuy's latest paper presented at High-Performance Graphics 2024.

Concurrent Binary Trees for Large-Scale Game Components research offers an approach to render terrains, oceans, and even entire planets in real-time on any modern GPU using compute shaders. A repository containing the demo project implementing the large-scale game component with the CBT technique is also available to download on GitHub.

CBT for Large-Scale Game Components

"A concurrent binary tree (CBT) is a GPU-friendly data structure suitable for the generation of bisection-based terrain tessellations, i.e., adaptive triangulations over square domains. In this paper, we expand on the benefits of this data structure in two respects.

First, we show how to bring bisection-based tessellations to arbitrary polygon meshes rather than just squares. Our approach consists of mapping a triangular subdivision primitive, which we refer to as a bisector, to each half-edge of the input mesh. These bisectors can then be subdivided adaptively to produce conforming triangulations solely based on half-edge operators.

Second, we alleviate a limitation that restricted the triangulations to low subdivision levels. We do so by using the CBT as a memory pool manager rather than an implicit encoding of the triangulation as done originally. By using a CBT in this way, we concurrently allocate and/or release bisectors during adaptive subdivision using shared GPU memory.

We demonstrate the benefits of our improvements by rendering planetary scale geometry out of very coarse meshes. Performance-wise, our triangulation method evaluates in less than 0.2ms on console-level hardware."

If you'd like to dive deeper into this research, visit the project page and access the paper through this link.

Researchers from the Intel Visual Compute & Graphics Lab present papers at SIGGRAPH and High-Performance Graphics (HPG) 2024 from July 26 through August 1. Find out about the latest updates on advancing technologies and overcoming difficult challenges in graphics here and don't forget to join our 80 Level Talent platform and our Telegram channel, follow us on InstagramTwitterLinkedInTikTok, and Reddit, where we share breakdowns, the latest news, awesome artworks, and more.

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