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It's Final: Larian Is Done with Baldur's Gate and D&D

No BG4 or DLCs, but there's a new project coming.

Image credit: Larian Studios

We've heard it before, but now we know for sure: Baldur's Gate 3 is a completed page for Larian Studios, so if you're hoping for a DLC or BG4, forget it, the studio is moving to newer pastures.

At GDC, Larian's CEO Swen Vincke confirmed that it is too ambitious to stay in one place for too long, and DLCs are just not what it does.

"We are a company of big ideas. We are not a company that's made to create DLCs or expansions," Vincke said (via PC Gamer). "We tried that actually, a few times. It failed every single time. It's not our thing. Life is too short. Our ambitions are very large."

Image credit: Larian Studios

He also mentioned his dog Gustav, who passed away in February and whose name was used as a codename for Baldur's Gate 3:

"And so like Gustav, Baldur's Gate will always have a warm spot in our heart. We'll forever be proud of it but we're not going to continue in it. We're not going to make new expansions which everybody is expecting. We're not going to make Baldur's Gate 4 which everybody is expecting us to do. We're going to move on. We're going to move away from D&D and we're going to start making a new thing."

So there will be no D&D games from Larian, which doesn't mean we won't see anything at all. Wizards of the Coast earned "around $90 million of revenue" from BG3 and seems to be working on new titles in the universe already.

As for Larian, it's not retiring, of course. While it's still releasing updates for BG3, Vincke has recently figured out the first act of the next project.

"The team has grown a lot during Bg3 and I think you can be very excited for what that growth means for our next game," he shared on X/Twitter. "Also – we’re not done with updating Bg3. There’s still a bunch of stuff coming like mod support and extra cinematics for some of the endings. Just not new content."

We wish Larian good luck with its new game and hope to hear more about it soon.

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