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Ivailo Ivanov Recreates His "Epitome of Universal Beauty" in 3D

Leveraging ZBrush and Unreal Engine 5, the artist reimagined Angelina Jolie in the digital realm.

3D Character Artist and character art trainer Ivailo Ivanov, whose realistic portraits were featured here on 80 Level on more than one occasion, continues reimagining his personal idols in the 3D space, presenting a new impressive character model.

Following his recreation of Bulgaria's national hero Vasil Levski, the artist has set up a lifelike portrait of the legendary actress Angelina Jolie, whom Ivailo eloquently describes as "the epitome of universal beauty". To set up the model, the creator opted for his usual combination of 3D software, comprising ZBrush for modeling, Unreal Engine 5 and its Lumen tool for rendering, and XGen for setting up the hairstyle.

"Besides being a great actress, Angelina has always been, at least to me, the epitome of universal beauty. I'd honestly wager she has changed how women look and want to look today. This is a tribute I've been wanting to make for a long time," commented Ivailo.

Earlier, the artist also unveiled "Oi!", a lifelike 3D take on Billy Butcher, an iconic character from the comic book and TV series The Boys, made with ZBrush, TexturingXYZ's materials, XGen, and Unreal Engine 5:

And prior to that, Ivailo published a fantastic 3D portrait of MyAnna Buring, who played the role of Tissaia de Vries in Netflix's The Witcher, offering a new take on the artist's previous MyAnna Buring project:

If you would like to learn more about Ivailo and his character art pipeline, we also recommend checking out our 2020 interview with the artist, in which he talked about the production process behind his Tognatale project, which replicates the likeness of Ragnar Lothbrok from Vikings, and shared his character creation techniques.

Back in 2022, Liu Tong also shared a realistic portrait of the actress, made using Maya, ZBrush, Arnold, and Mari:

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