Marmoset announced the release of Toolbag 3.05, the latest free update for the popular tool.
Marmoset announced the release of Toolbag 3.05, the latest free update for the popular tool. The team focused primarily on the Baker this time, presenting improvements to functionality, image quality, and stability. Also, there are a new Advanced Microsurface shading model and a dedicated Roughness model.
The Cage Offset function is said to be reworked in order to ensure that faces no longer collapse into the low poly with complex meshes. This is particularly great for hard surface assets.
Toolbag 3.05 Custom Cages
You can now export Custom Cage meshes from your 3D application of choice. You can also override Toolbag’s automatic cage generation with a bespoke mesh.
64x Multi-Sampling
The team has added a 64x Samples option to the Baker which provides better anti-aliasing for challenging areas.
It is also worth noting that all map outputs are anti-aliased as well, including Material ID, Wireframe, and all material property outputs.
There’s more, of course! Make sure to check out the full breakdown here.