
Marvel's Blade Dev Revealed Concept Art for the Game

The concept art shows the dark, severe, and vampire-infested city of Paris.

Sebastien Mitton, the Art and Co-creative Director at Arkane, recently shared some concept art for Marvel's Blade, giving us a glimpse of the highly anticipated game. These pieces of artwork were created by Sergey Kolesov and Jean-Luc Monnet, and they look stunning. 

The first piece of art hints at a futuristic setting, with barges floating above the rooftops of Paris. These flying vehicles seem to have a more ominous purpose than just advertising, reminding us of Cyberpunk 2077's massive billboards.

Image credit: Arkane, Marvel's Blade

The next one shows Blade preparing to infiltrate a dark club. If you're familiar with the original Wesley Snipes-led Blade movie, a particular scene may come to mind. Is possible that the blood showers will return?

Image credit: Arkane, Marvel's Blade

Here's the third piece of art that presents the Paris metro system. It's not surprising to think that vampires would hide in such a location. While Paris already has a network of eerie catacombs, it seems these vampires prefer to stay above ground.

Image credit: Arkane, Marvel's Blade

During The Game Awards, the developer behind the game announced Marvel's Blade, a third-person single-player action-adventure set in Paris, while there are no specific details about the release date and platforms it'll be one, you can check the announcement trailer here.

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