
Meta Shares Oculus Hand Gameplay Sample Project for Unreal

Check out a new sample project for Epic’s Unreal Engine that provides a look at more robust hand interactions in VR.

Meta shared the Oculus Hand Gameplay Showcase for Unreal on App Lab that shows how developers can add hand interactions using Unreal and Meta solutions. The new sample project features "reusable components based on the more robust hand tracking mechanics from First Steps with Hand Tracking and Tiny Castles."

Mechanics include teleportation, grabbing, throwing, pushing buttons, and more. What is more, Meta decided to share the source code for "Oculus showcase of hand tracking based interactions in Unreal" via Github.

You can find the sample here. Have you tried using the project? What do you think both Meta and Unreal teams should improve for VR creators? Share your thoughts in the comments. 

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