No Man's Sky, the game with one of the most interesting paths ever seen in the game industry, has celebrated its fifth birthday. The game was released on the 9th of August, 2016 , and sparked a ton of controversies back then. The game was bugged beyond any comprehension on its release, many promised features were cut or unimplemented at all, multiplayer was non-existent, animals were walking upside-down, and so on. But all the negative backlash didn't stop the team behind the game, they were committed to creating the game that was once promised, and now, 5 years later, No Man's Sky is better than anyone could ever imagine.
To celebrate the occasion, Sean Murray and Hello Games have teased a new update for No Man's Sky. The 17th update will be called Frontiers and will be free for existing players. Unfortunately, there isn't much information about the update itself, aside from an enigmatic tweet by Murray, but the team promises that it is coming soon.
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