
Oil Painting Style 3D Still-Life Artwork Made in Blender

This outstanding illustration was made by Omar Faruq Tawsif.

3D Artist Omar Faruq Tawsif continues the series of beautiful non-photorealistic artworks with yet another amazing piece. This time, the artist unveiled a great Blender-made still-life 3D illustration with an art style similar to real-life oil paintings. According to the creator, the project was inspired by one of Heather Ihn's gouache paintings.

"The process majorly consists of hand-painting the textures. To fake some reflections, I overlayed secondary textures and animated the coordinates," commented the artist on the working process behind the project.

And here's the artwork Omar's illustration is based on:

You can check out more of Omar's projects here. Also, don't forget to join our Reddit page and our Telegram channel, follow us on Instagram and Twitter, where we share breakdowns, the latest news, awesome artworks, and more.

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