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OpenAI's ChatGPT Featured on TIME Magazine's Cover

The magazine's editors asked the chatbot's opinion about an article title.

World-renowned news magazine TIME has unveiled a magazine cover for an upcoming February 27 – March 6 issue, featuring a dialogue with OpenAI's chatbot and language model ChatGPT. 

Conversing with the AI, TIME's Staff Writers Andrew R. Chow and Billy Perrigo asked the chatbot's opinion regarding the "The AI Arms Race Is Changing Everything" title, used for one of TIME's recently-published comprehensive stories, which summarized the ongoing AI boom, discussed the rise of generative AIs, and deliberated on the tech companies trying to become a part of the trend.

According to the screenshot featured on the cover, ChatGPT considers the title in question to be "thought-provoking" and "attention-grabbing", saying that it could "help raise public awareness about the potential risks of [AI]". At the same time, the chatbot noted that it could be interpreted as "sensational or alarmist" and may not accurately reflect the nuances of the topic.

This feat marks the second time when one of OpenAI's wonderous tools was featured on a cover of a big-league magazine. Back in June 2022, the company's text-to-image AI DALL-E 2 was used by Cosmopolitan to generate an image of a "strong female president astronaut warrior walking on the planet Mars", which was then put on a cover of Cosmo's "the A.I. issue".

Click here to read TIME's "The AI Arms Race Is Changing Everything" article and don't forget to join our 80 Level Talent platformour Reddit page, and our Telegram channel, follow us on Instagram and Twitter, where we share breakdowns, the latest news, awesome artworks, and more.

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