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Simplygon Released For Free to The Unreal Community

Automatically optimize 3D content for different purposes with no or minimal manual labor.

Donya Labs AB has announced they are finally releasing Simplygon for free to the Unreal Engine community.

Starting today, Simplygon is said to be available as a free up-front license with a small royalty when a developer ships a successful game. Simplygon is also available from $400/month for small to medium-sized non-game companies.


If you are new to the party, Simplygon is a platform that lets you automatically optimize 3D content such as meshes and textures for different purposes with no or minimal manual labor. You can use Simplygon to create LOD chains, reduce draw calls, combine several high-res meshes into one cheaper mesh, optimize a scene for certain viewing angles, remove invisible geometry and so much more.


Simplygon, in addition to other great possibilities, is a great way to increase the performance of VR title. You can easily optimize your 3D content to get your game to run well on any target platforms. 


Starting today, UE4 ships with a Simplygon standard integration, meaning it is easier than ever to get started. Essentially, Simplygon will automagically be enabled inside the editor once you’ve got it installed. All you have to do is sign up on our website or grab the plugin from the Marketplace. This standard integration works out of the box and contains all the major components of Simplygon such as static mesh reduction, skeletal mesh reduction and the unique re-meshing and re-texturing features for HLOD. Should you require even more advanced functionality, you can download the advanced integration from Simplygon.com.

You can find out more about Simplygon on the official website

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Comments 3

  • Dev

    Doesn't seem like you can actually get it from the marketplace or sign up on their website anymore. Interesting that that happened after MS acquired them...If I (and everyone else commenting on the UE marketplace, forums etc) are wrong then some clarification would be great, because so far we've been met with complete silence.



    ·7 years ago·
  • koshi

    Hi, George, there were some problems with some of the emails earlier please use the following link to request Key Thanks...  




    ·7 years ago·
  • George

    Hmm... I went to the Marketplace and there was only a link to their website. Went there and registered and it told me to go to the downloads page and there it won't let me download it because it says a key is required. :\



    ·7 years ago·

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