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Sky Creator Plug-in For UE5 to Feature New Realistic Rain FX

Dmitry Karpukhin shared a sneak peek at the upcoming 1.4 update, due to be released sometime in September.

Technical Artist and Developer Dmitry Karpukhin has recently shared a new demo showcasing the upcoming 1.4 update for Sky Creator, the developer's renowned plug-in that lets its user control dynamic weather and time of day in Unreal Engine 4 and Unreal Engine 5.

According to a showcase video shared by Dmitry, the new version of the plug-in will feature a slew of brand-new realistic effects, with the list including puddles, ripples, rain drops, rain streaks, rain splatter, wind, and volumetric rain splashes. Moreover, most of the material effects shown in the demo are said to be procedural and simulated in Niagara, Unreal Engine's visual effects system for creating real-time VFX.

As stated by the developer if everything goes right, Sky Creator 1.4 will be launched "probably somewhere in September, fingers crossed". In the meantime, you can download and try out the existing version of the plug-in, which is currently available 50% off on the UE Marketplace.

And if your digital scenes require realistic fog, we also recommend checking out Screen Space Fog Scattering, a post-processing shader that simulates the light scattering inside the fog medium, released by Dmitry earlier this year.

Available for Unreal Engine 4 and Unreal Engine 5, the shader enhances the feel of dense fog and greatly improves the atmosphere of your foggy and blurry environments. Using the engine classes, the plug-in safely injects the shader into the rendering pipeline, ensuring that it is compatible with default post-process effects. Learn more and get the plug-in here.

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