Squadron 42 has been in development for over 10 years now, and recently Cloud Imperium has posted a development update on the multiplayer space trading and combat simulation game.
While fans are eagerly waiting for the launch of the game, Squadron 42 AI Content team is working on a realistic bedsheet deformation system. The developer explained that the need for sheets and blankets deformation came right about after Cloud Imperium updated the NPC relaxation system – now NPCs are able to sleep or rest in their bunks until they’re scheduled to do another activity.
The relaxation also includes reading in bed or watching TV, besides, NPC can wake up in an emergency. According to the developer, this makes the task more difficult, as every action will affect the deformation of the sheets differently.
"We knew early on that, to hit the fidelity we expect for Sq42, we would need to do some R&D on bedsheet deformation. This work is currently underway and, if successful, will allow the AI to deform their sheets when entering, exiting, or sleeping inside them," Cloud Imperium wrote. "This is a challenging assignment and expands the complexity of the feature. For example, what happens to the sheets if the AI needs to exit the bed in an emergency?"
In light of the over $450 million raised in crowdfunding over the decade while the game is in development and the constant delays of Squadron 42, many Star Citizen fans say they are extremely disappointed by the development priorities outlined by Cloud Imperium.
In February, Cloud Imperium also reworked its long-term roadmap so as not to upset players if the content was delayed. And now the community does not know at all when the game finally will be out. Although neither Star Citizen nor Squadron 42 have been released yet, the studio itself believes that by 2027, it will already be working on several sequels to Squadron 42.
What are your thoughts on the features like bedsheet deformation in a game? Should they be carefully worked out or should the developer reduce the scope of work and focus on finishing the game?
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