
Streaming Full-Scale Globe Into Unreal Engine As 3D Tiles

Cesium, Epic Games, Microsoft, and NVIDIA have recently presented Project Anywhere.

Cesium has recently collaborated with Epic Games, Microsoft, and NVIDIA to give a glimpse at the future of modeling, simulation, and training with a proof-of-concept demo for v/IITSEC.

Project Anywhere, which is now available in Epic’s virtual booth at vIITSEC, provides the first look at Cesium’s high-fidelity, full-scale WGS84 globe being streamed into UE4 as 3D Tiles.

"As the leading platform for 3D geospatial, Cesium is proud to be among the pioneers driving the geospatial-enablement of game engines like Unreal," wrote Cesium CEO Patrick Cozzi. "The combination of Unreal Engine’s stunning visual quality with Cesium’s ability to stream real-world data captured by satellites and drones will drive new innovations in MS&T and beyond."

The platform allows game engines to stream geospecific 3D data as 3D Tiles for the new levels of accuracy, interactivity, and visual quality for simulations and training. Basically, you can go anywhere in the world on a high-resolution virtual globe by mixing Cesium’s geospatial technology, global 3D terrain, and data streaming as 3D Tiles to Unreal Engine.

The tech runs on Microsoft Azure with NVIDIA GPUs letting users explore the high-resolution photogrammetry of Melbourne, fly to different cities, or even track flights.

You can learn more about the project here. Don't forget to join our new Telegram channel, our Discord, follow us on Instagram and Twitter, where we are sharing breakdowns, latest news, awesome artworks, and more.

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