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Surreal Animations Made With Gravity Sketch & Blender

The project is an allegorical interpretation of ongoing experiences on the internet.

Look Developer and Art Director Lip Comarella unveiled Tales from Inside our Head, a small collection of surreal animations made by the artist. According to Lip, the goal behind the project was to depict experiences we encounter in the internet space, with each animation representing various aspects of internet communication.

The artist stated that the animations were modeled and designed entirely in Gravity Sketch VR, a cool 3D modeling and design platform that allows you to create in virtual reality using a wide variety of digital tools. For rendering, the artist utilized Blender.

"Tales from Inside our Head is a personal allegorical interpretation of our ongoing experiences in the fast-flowing internet space," commented the creator." As we venture down the rabbit hole, we are greeted with storms, beacons of light, mysterious passageways, and heated thoughts ready to take off.

You can check out full versions of the animations and Lip's working process in Gravity Sketch by clicking this link.

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