Michał Piątek released the files, which might help you to create amazing transformation real-time visual effects in Unity for commercial projects.
A couple of months ago, we’ve talked with Michał Piątek about some of the amazing stuff he’s done for The Great Transmutator contest. He basically arranged for a VFX which allowed to transform one object into the other with a bunch of explosions, particles, and sexy animation. The whole process is detailed in our article.
Currently, all the files from this VFX are available for download! And you can even use them in your games.
I have finally released all source files for my The Great Transmutator contest entry and it is all absolutely free for both personal and commercial use! I mean, it is redistributed under Beer License meaning that you are obliged to buy me a beer if you will ever get a chance to do so.
Here is a short list of things you could potentially learn from it (it is all Unity3d stuff):
▪ How to create custom Shuriken modules
▪ How to grab some data from particle system and use it to displace mesh of another object
▪ How to use Custom Data module in your shader
▪ How to create point and mesh particle attractors
▪ How to straighten a banana while maintaining its curvature
▪ And much, much more!
You can grab the whole project here. You will need Unity 5.6.0f3 or later in order to launch it. I added some comments here and there so I hope the learning process won’t be terrible. Just bare in mind that this was all made for a contest so make sure that you properly profile it and optimise before
What are you waiting for? This is an amazing opportunity to have a look at some really cool VFX production details. And buy this man a beer. Like a case of very good beer. Maybe some stuff from the brewery. Like that bitter IPA stuff.