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This Awesome Monster Eye 3D Model Has a Dilatable Pupil

Made by Larian's Artem Shapiro using Blender and ZBrush.

Artem Shapiro, a Senior 3D Character Artist at Larian Studios specializing primarily in creature modeling, has showcased his latest project that looks both eerie and breathtaking at the same time. Check out Chimera Eye, a neat digital monster eye model featuring a dilatable pupil that can shrink and expand in a lifelike manner. According to the creator, the eye was set up using a combination of ZBrush and Blender.

Even though it looks like a finished product in and of itself, Chimera Eye is actually only a small part of Artem's larger Chimera project, depicting an alien-like beast inspired by one of Stephen Oakley's fantastic concepts. Attached below are some of Artem's previous showcases demonstrating the full model:

Earlier, the artist also wowed us by presenting a series of WIP renders featuring Orthon Yurgir, one of the characters from Larian's Baldur's Gate 3, and providing some additional behind-the-scenes info about said NPC.

We highly encourage you to visit Artem's ArtStation page to see more of his 3D creature concepts. Don't forget to join our 80 Level Talent platform and our Telegram channel, follow us on InstagramTwitterLinkedInTikTok, and Reddit, where we share breakdowns, the latest news, awesome artworks, and more.

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