
This Hilarious Mod Adds Homer Simpson to God of War

The original father-son duo, Kratos and Atreus, was replaced with the Simpson characters, Homer and Bart.

A video shared by YouTuber ToastedShoes reveals an amusing God of War mode created by Omega Fantasy. The modder let his imagination run wild, so the original father-son duo, Kratos and Atreus, was replaced with the Simpson characters, Homer and Bart.

However, those are not all the changes Omega Fantasy brought to the game. Unlike many modes, where the characters are simply replaced by other models, this one also features impressive voiceover work – the dialogues of the father and the son are so authentic like they were taken directly from the original animated series which makes conversations between the duo extremely hilarious.

More than that, when the characters get a visit from The Stranger, it turns out it is not Baldur but the Simpsons' well-mannered next-door neighbor Ned Flanders. The character models for Homer, Bart, and Ned were taken from the sandbox action game The Simpsons: Hit & Run.

Since its launch, God of War has been extremely popular among modders. Omega Fantasy themselves previously created a mod for the game which replaced the original character with Fortnite Kratos skin. It's also not the first time that we’ve seen Homer modded into various games. Not long ago, a goofy father of the Simpson family was modded into Elden Ring as the playable character.

You can visit Omega Fantasy's Patreon page to learn more about the mod and its creator. And don't forget to join our new Reddit pageour new Telegram channel, follow us on Instagram and Twitter, where we are sharing breakdowns, the latest news, awesome artworks, and more.

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