Image credit: Bethesda
There are many players who don't trust Bethesda to launch a game that won't immediately need dozens of hotfixes for countless bugs. So many, in fact, that a group of fans united to work on a patch for Starfield a year before its release.
However, Xbox Game Studios' head Matt Booty said Starfield will be the least bugged game out of all Bethesda's titles, and it seems to be the truth, for now.
Image credit: Bethesda
Insider Gaming's Tom Henderson asked five people who have access to the game already about their experience, and everyone confirmed that the number of bugs "can be counted on one hand." Journalist Tyler McVicker hasn't encountered a single issue after playing for 15 hours – very impressive.
Other sources claimed they met "one or two at most" in dozens of hours, but most of them have already been listed to be fixed in the Day 1 patch.
Image credit: Bethesda
As Henderson noted, five people are hardly enough to be sure Starfield will be problem-free, and the public is always harsher than a select group of individuals, but this early feedback is certainly reassuring.
Moreover, Bethesda's Head of Publishing Pete Hines is sure players won't even notice the 30 FPS cap on Xbox as "it's about the feeling" and this feeling is apparently excellent and smooth.
There's not much time left before everyone can check if this is true – Starfield is set to release on September 6 for Windows and Xbox Series X/S.
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