
tyFlow 1.004 Released

The new version comes with a bunch of new features and multiple bug fixes.

tyFlow, a plug-in for 3ds Max that acts as a replacement for the tool's Particle Flow system developed by Tyson Ibele, has received a huge 1.004 update that adds a bunch of new features and fixes multiple bugs. For those unfamiliar, tyFlow is a tool that was meant to be a complete rewrite of 3ds Max's Particle Flow. The tool features robust, procedural VFX capabilities, multi-threaded algorithms and GPU accelerated solvers, render instancing support, and more.

Here are some of the new features added to tyFlow 1.004:

  • Volume conform mode to tyConform modifier
  • Option in tyFlow License rollout to not auto-request a license when tyFlow is in use
  • New edge generation options to Birth Surface operator (particle location, align to edge, scale to edge length)
  • New verlet options to Spin operator, which allow you to convert (static) changes in particle orientation to spin
  • Acceleration display to Display Data operator (works on uncached data only)
  • Selected edges mode to Position Object operator
  • Virtual ground collider option to Collisions operator
  • Surface Test now has the option to consider particle meshes when performing tests
  • Added First/Last knot options to Birth Spline operator
  • Added phase/offset params to Cluster operator noise mode
  • Added fuzzing param to Cluster operator LDNP mode
  • Added a Push operator
  • tyParticleSkin modifier can now run PhysX tearing solver on tyCaches exported with PhysX data
  • Operator right-click menu options for filters/tests/timing will now affect all selected operators
  • And much, much more!

You can learn more about tyFlow here and get the tool here. Also, don't forget to join our new Reddit pageour new Telegram channel, follow us on Instagram and Twitter, where we are sharing breakdowns, the latest news, awesome artworks, and more.

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