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UE5-Powered Game Prototype That Lets One Explore The Enitre World in 3D

The project was set up in just one week, leveraging Google's Map Tiles API and ChatGPT.

In case you missed it, earlier this month, Google released Photorealistic 3D Tiles, a new geodata tool that offers a seamless 3D mesh model of our entire planet, textured with the high-res RGB optical imagery. Available through the Map Tiles API, the product was designed to enable creators to easily set up 3D visualization experiences, allowing one to visualize over 2500 cities across 49 countries.

One such experience has recently been showcased by Technical Artist Nils Bakker, who leveraged Photorealistic 3D Tiles alongside Unreal Engine 5 and ChatGPT to create a mind-blowing game prototype that lets one explore the entire world in 3D.

Created in just one week, the prototype allows its user to control a paper airplane, which can teleport its user to any place on Earth and provide some insights about the places you visit thanks to the combination of Google's 3D Tiles and ChatGPT, which can "understand queries based on world coordinates". According to the developer, the interactive experience can "find the sickest locations, load their 3D geometry, and even provide you with extra tourist info", similar to a "personal tour guide on a magical paper airplane ride".

Furthermore, the artist has also shared a comprehensive written breakdown, explaining how the prototype works in more detail, showing how Unreal Engine 5's Blueprints and its VFX tool Niagara were utilized to create the project, providing some info on how Google 3D tiles and ChatGPT APIs were combined and more. You can read the full breakdown by clicking this link.

See more of Nils' amazing works here. Also, don't forget to join our 80 Level Talent platform and our Telegram channel, follow us on Instagram and Twitter, where we share breakdowns, the latest news, awesome artworks, and more.

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