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Unfinished Houdini Tools by Simon Verstraete

Check out this collection of a few Houdini tools that were built but never finished.

A well-known Houdini/Technical Artist and 80 Level's friend Simon Verstraete has released a collection of unfinished Houdini tools that the artist built but never fully completed. The list of such projects includes a Smart Extruder, a fracturing tool, an Edge damage Trim Decal tool, stylized tree and flower generators, a rock generator, and several more. According to the author, this Houdini Tool Dump was released to inspire other Houdini Artists on their artistic paths.

"Over the few years of learning Houdini, I have built various tools. With this post, I picked a few interesting tools that unfortunately never got to be fully finished or posted here," comments Simon. "Hopefully, this inspires some of you in your own Houdini adventure."

You can learn more about Simon's unfinished tools here. Also, don't forget to join our Telegram channel, our Discord, follow us on Instagram and Twitter where we are sharing breakdowns, the latest news, awesome artworks, and more.

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