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Using iPad Pro & Unity to Transform Real-Life Objects in Real-Time

Check out TransforMR, a Unity-based system that can add AR objects within the environment.

Mohamed Kari, Tobias Grosse-Puppendahl, Luis Falconeri Coelho, Andreas Rene Fender, David Bethge, Reinhard Schütte, and Christian Holz have presented a cool new technology at Ismar 2021. Meet TransforMR, a video see-through mixed reality system for mobile devices that performs 3D-pose-aware object substitution to create meaningful mixed reality scenes in previously unseen, uncontrolled, and open-ended real-world environments. The program uses Unity and 4 NVIDIA Tesla V100 GPUs to run and Apple iPad Pro, 12.9 inches, was used on-site by participants to explore the surroundings at their discretion.

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