
West: A Realistic Desert Environment Made in Unreal Engine 5

The artist utilized Megascans and Sketchfab assets to create the scene.

Cinematic Environment Artist at Epic Games Alec Tucker demonstrated a beautiful desert environment made in Unreal Engine 5. The project is titled West and is inspired by the artist's childhood memories of traveling across the deserts of California and Nevada. According to the author, the project is made to look like a 16mm film to evoke a nostalgic feeling while also conveying a sense of melancholy by using blurry imagery. To create the scene, Alec used a lot of various Megascans and Sketchfab assets.

"West was born from my childhood experiences visiting family in the rural high deserts of California and from my several road trips across Nevada during sunset and nighttime. These vast locations and their ambiance are a huge influence on how I make art today. Many of the Sketchfab assets used in this project are drone scans of actual monuments and hills from Nevada itself," comments Alec.

You can learn more about the project and check out the list of used assets here. Also, don't forget to join our new Reddit pageour new Telegram channel, follow us on Instagram and Twitter, where we are sharing breakdowns, the latest news, awesome artworks, and more.

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