
Why SSD Is Great For Rendering?

Andrew Maximov, the founder of Promethean AI, explained on Twitter some technical details from the latest PS5 presentation that should make you quite excited. 

The developer explained the whole SSD situation using two examples: Uncharted 1 and Last of Us. 

The difference between the visual quality of these two games was incredibly, but both used identical graphics hardware. How did we manage to get from point A to point B? The first thing is all the work by graphics engineers and artists, but the main point is managing a lot more data fast.

The developer pointed out that the problem here is that developers can't store all of the super detailed high-resolution versions for all .obj files in memory at once.

The new console will provide the ability to load in the highest resolution version of any asset just in front of a player, so every tree will have realistic moss and all the smallest details.

You can find the original thread here. Make sure to follow Andrew on Twitter.

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