
Workshop On Unity’s XR Interaction Toolkit

Don't miss a free workshop later today. 

With this free workshop on the XR Interaction Toolkit, you will learn how to add interactivity to your AR & VR experiences without the need to code the interactions from scratch. The toolkit is available for Unity 2019.3 via the Package Manager.

"The update has the ability to replace most of the third-party plugins and is lowering the bar for beginner AR/VR developers," states the description. "In this workshop we will integrate the new XR interaction toolkit to a project, Add a VR character, grab objects, and teleport in the scene without a single line of code."

Please note that you will receive the resources used in the workshop. You can learn more and register here

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Comments 1

  • Filip Aničić

    I work with a very small team using the Unity XR toolkit to make our own custom VR framework.
    The XR toolkit for a programmer is a very ugly codebase to work with when you have to use more than what Unity gave you.
    Before SteamVR/OpenVR got deprecated in Unity 2019.2 it was the best VR solution to create VR projects, offering a lot better code base to work with and extend.
    Currently the main benefit of the XR toolkit is that it should support any VR platform Unity adds or the hardware supplies does.
    Hopefully the documentation and code base will be cleaned up and ready for actual production.


    Filip Aničić

    ·4 years ago·

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