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XCOM 2 DLC Was Supposed to Feature Giant Pilotable Robots

"We put a prototype giant mech in game and couldn't see sh*t."

As everyone knows, each and every video game goes through myriads of iterations throughout its development cycle, with creators often leaving heaps of content, including, at times, major game-defining elements, on the cutting room floor. Despite players rarely getting to experience this content, it nonetheless continues to be a fascinating topic of discussion, a fact that's been proven once again by Jake Solomon, a Game Designer and the father of modern XCOM games.

Image Credit: Firaxis, XCOM 2: War of the Chosen

Recently, the developer took to Twitter to share an insightful tidbit about War of the Chosen, a DLC for Firaxis' 2016 turn-based tactics game XCOM 2. In his post, Solomon revealed that the expansion was initially planned to feature giant mechs that players could pilot, along with customizable interceptors and air combat. This original concept also explains the DLC's internal codename, Ozzy, as a nod to Ozzy Osbourne and the heavy metal theme (battle robots are made of heavy metal, you get the idea).

The plans, however, were not to be executed, as according to Solomon, when they put a prototype of a giant mech in the game, they "couldn't see sh*t", for XCOM's camera angle was not meant for showcasing 30-foot mechs, let alone managing their pathing and other nuances. Consequently, the developers scrapped the idea, opting instead to introduce a plethora of other new content in the DLC, leaving players without pilotable robots.

The developer further clarified that it wasn't an April Fool's prank and War of the Chosen was indeed supposed to be about battle mechs:

If you would like to learn more about XCOM, or rather X-COM, we also recommend checking out this 2013 Game Developers Conference presentation, where the father of the series Julian Gollop detailed the history of the X-COM's first title and explained how X-COM: UFO Defense came to be.

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