3DF Zephyr 4.500 has been released. The update brings a number of improvements, in both the core technology and the user experience: an all-new detail enhancement filter for mesh, a new UV-packing algorithm, and more.
The team states the new version upgrades the user experience with a lot of new tools and improvements, such as the option to generate normal maps and displacement maps directly in 3DF Zephyr, support for custom geoids, bigtiff file support, a terrain extraction tool, and more.
Here are some of the changes:
- Better detail extraction during the mvs/mesh extraction
- The mesh enhancement filter has been improved to extract more details
- The multiview stereo has been speeded up further
- Better UV packing algorithm during texture generation
- Raised internal resolution (The single image resolution can now be bigger)
- All our core libraries for (3D engine, Math, GUI) have been updated to the latest version with several bug fixes.
- In order to optimize the computation, mesh and dense point cloud will be computed one shot by default. It will be still possible to generate a separate point cloud if needed.
- New General preset category suitable for most cases
- The texturing generation page now have presets as the other pages
- You can bake normals maps (Object and Tangent space) starting from a high poly mesh to any textured mesh.
- All the workspace elements can be now moved up or down and organized in any order
- The alignment tools dialog has been reorganized for better usage
You can find the full changelog here.