
A Behind-The-Scenes Look at VFX in Spider-Man – No Way Home

Sony Pictures Imageworks visual effects supervisor Chris Waegner talks about character requirements, the challenges of building the characters that had already been built before, and the visual effects used to create villains and the environment.

Online-magazine befores & afters has published an interview with Sony Pictures Imageworks' visual effects supervisor Chris Waegner, responsible for VFX in Spider-Man: No Way Home. In the interview, Waegner talks about different character requirements, the challenges the team faced building the characters that had already been built before, and shaping the environment. 

When talking about building new Spider-Men, Waegner says that one of the reasons behind it was the actors' physical appearance that had changed as they aged. However, for Tom Holland, there were other challenges.

"We replaced the practical suit Tom was wearing in camera with a newly designed digital suit. His new digital suit is composed of fabric with metallic inlays and overlays all woven together."

"So, maintaining physical proportions, and accurate muscle volumes for the character is extremely important. He needs to do physically impossible things and not look broken", Waegner said. "The physical demands our animation team put on these spider-men digi-doubles is huge, and it gives our filmmakers confidence we can meet their creative vision."

Waegner also talks about other villains and the work put into them, as well as the New York environment. To find out more, check out the full befores & afters interview.

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