
A Guide on How to Create a High-Quality Profile

Have a look at a few tips shared by industry experts and community artists that will help you create the most accurate profile on 80 Level RFP.

Building a profile on 80 Level RFP is one of the most exciting parts of joining the community. To help you land your dream job, we gathered ten tips on creating a high-quality profile.

According to industry experts at GDC2019 and tips shared by 80 Level community artists, showcasing your art, skill level, and experience is the most impactful part of your profile. Let's get started!

  • Keep your profile up-to-date with the most recent version(s) of your work.

“It’s tough, but you have to detach yourself from your work. Be savage with your own portfolio because the chances are if you're a grad, your student work won't be the best that you can produce - once you've got something new out, chop the old stuff.”

Kieran Goodson

  • Put your best or most recent pieces in the first position(s) in your profile.

“I had only a few pieces in my portfolio. I focused on quality over quantity. Always lead with your best work.”

Ian van der Mijn

  • Whenever you update your profile, it moves to the top of the Artists Catalog. To be seen, make sure to update your profile often with new work. 
  • Focus your profile on your current level of skill and expertise. Add work that is the best example of the position you seek and (yes, it is hard to do) leave out anything irrelevant.

“Coursework is usually all over the place in content and quality, especially if you take the course of a generic game as I did. You HAVE to pick a direction and go. In most studios, you can't do 2D and 3D. You can't do characters, environments, and vehicles. You've got to pick.”

Kieran Goodson

  • Adding work in different styles is fine, but try to prioritize them in the order of your preference for work. For example, if you are looking to work on sci-fi projects, add all of your sci-fi projects first before showing work completed in other styles.
  • Optimally, you should try to have around 6-10 images in your profile. This will help you showcase the depth of your skills.

“As many as you think will get your art and skill across to the viewer. Don't fill up the portfolio with bad art just to fill it up.”

Majerus Sven

  • If possible, remove, or at least minimize all logos, labels, and watermarks.
  • Carefully choose which perspective to use in every image of your work. The more magnified your details are, the closer your perspective should be.

“Interesting thumbnails without any clutter. Also rendering images at twice the size and downscaling in photoshop will give you a much better quality image with less aliasing.”

Ty Jontz

  • Make sure that your work is well lit, even if it's meant to portray a "dark" mood, environment, or character.
  • Add some work-in-progress production images if you have them. For example, in-engine work or modeling can show each step of your approach to the development process.

"Show how much you can do even with just 2 or 3 software. If someone writes in his cv that he knows 6+ software is more likely that he doesn't know very well to use all of them.”

80 Level RFP Artist Anonymous 

We hope these tips will help you create an excellent profile on 80 Level RFP, the free-to-artists job-matching community that connects artists and animators with actively hiring video game companies. 

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