
A Look at Horizon: Forbidden West Concepts

Check out these amazing concepts made for Guerrilla’s Horizon: Forbidden West.

Guerrilla’s post-apocalyptic open-world action RPG Horizon: Forbidden West has been out long enough, and now the team behind the game is able to freely share their artworks with the public. A huge team of artists from Guerilla Games, an outsourcing studio KARAKTER, and other contracted workers have contributed to the project, and now some of them have shared some new stunning pieces. So, let's take a look at some early concepts of the game the artists have shared with us.

Here are the concepts made by freelance concept artist Danar Worya.

And here are the concepts of Jungle Tenakth created by the KARAKTER team including Tobias Mannewitz, Dan Blomberg, Bo Zonneveld, Josef Stängl, Leo Eberding, Andrei Kurylovich, Kevin Goeke, Christoph Stryczek, Constantin Marin, and Jonas Ellermann.

Here's a concept shared by KARAKTER's concept designer Andrei Kurylovich who worked on this piece of art together with Tobias Mannewitz, Dan Blomberg, Bo Zonneveld, Constantin Marin, Christoph Stryczek, Leo Eberding, and Jonas Ellermann.

Let's take a look at some character concepts created by Guerrilla's team and shared by the studio's lead marketing artist Ilya Golitsyn.

These are just a few works from these fantastic artists, check all of them to see even more awesome concepts and renders. Also, don't forget to join our new Reddit pageour new Telegram channel, follow us on Instagram and Twitter, where we are sharing breakdowns, the latest news, awesome artworks, and more.

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