
A New Documentary on Hyper Light Development

Check out this new documentary that will introduce you to the Heart Machine team and demonstrate to you the process of creating a game.

Noclip, a crowdfunded media company dedicated to creating video game documentaries, has launched a new series of documentaries devoted to the development of Hyper Light.

The first episode is already out and you can check it out on the Noclip – Video Game Documentaries YouTube channel. The new video will introduce you to the team at Heart Machine who will discuss their lives as well as their previous projects.

Developers at Heart Machine will tell you about the unique paths that led them to game development and share how the team working on Hyper Light Breaker manages to organize the working process. The documentary not only contains interviews with different team members but also demonstrates the process of creating a game.

Hyper Light developers will also discuss the challenges of working remotely and speak about how the  COVID pandemic influenced team dynamics and the working process.

This new series will be covering the game's development for a few years, so stay tuned for new episodes to learn more about the team and the development process.

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