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A New Trend on Twitter Encourages Support For Human Artists

Numerous 2D and 3D creators reminded us that they are not just a source for AI data scraping.

It seems that ever since the first widely recognized protest against AI-generated images took place back in December 2022, the conflict between flesh-and-blood creators and generative models has never truly subsided, intensifying every once in a while with the emergence of new artificial intelligence-based generators.

The recent launch of Sora, OpenAI's new text-to-video diffusion model, hasn't become an exception, raising the tension among the digital art community with its capacity to create high-resolution videos lasting up to a minute. The very next day, scores of creators came together in a new Twitter trend, aiming at rallying support for human artists and reminding everyone that they are more than just a source for AI data scraping.

Initiated by Background Artist Salah Moustafa, the new movement refrains from making demands or singling out any specific generative AI model for criticism, being as civilized as humanly possible. As part of the trend, 2D and 3D creators share several of their works alongside the "Support Human Artists" slogan, attracting attention to their projects and proving once again that no matter how hard AI developers try, real authors aren't going anywhere. 

In less than a week, the movement has garnered the participation of dozens of individuals, including but not limited to 2D Illustrators, Animators, Pixel Artists, Environment Artists, and Character Artists, and has even extended its reach beyond the digital realm, attracting several Embroidery Designers. Today, to celebrate the incredible efforts of Real Human Artists, let's have a look at some of the projects shared on Twitter as part of the trend:

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