
A Series on HLSL Shader Fundamentals

Ben Cloward, the co-author of ShaderFX, has shared a good old training guide on HLSL shader fundamentals online.

The first part, for example, will give you an understanding of what an HLSL shader is, how a shader can be created with free software, edited, and then displayed within 3ds Max. The video covers fundamental programming concepts such as Data Types, Structs and Functions will be covered. You will learn how to create a shader GUI, the basic framework of an HLSL FX shader and more.

The series was originally published back in 2007, but it’s still an ideal introduction to the world of HLSL shader writing for real-time GPU based shaders. Yeah, some tips are out of date, but most of the principles are still fundamental.

You can also get the entire contents of the original DVD here.

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Comments 3

  • Ben Cloward

    I have started a new series of videos on my YouTube channel aimed at helping artists learn to created shaders in Unreal Engine 4’s Material Editor. The videos start with the basics and will build up to more complex techniques as we go along. There are 4 videos available so far, but I’ll be releasing a new one every Thursday.

    Check it out!



    Ben Cloward

    ·5 years ago·
  • Ben Cloward

    Ok - all of the videos from the second DVD are now available.  Starting this week, the videos from the third DVD are starting to become available.  This DVD covers the topic of surface shading including offset mapping, reflection, refraction, fresnel term, detail normal mapping, vertex animation, etc.  You can watch them here:


    If I get enough subscribers, my current plan is to begin to create new tutorial videos going over the process of creating shaders for the Unreal Engine once the DVD series is completed.  So if you like learning about shaders, be sure to subscribe!


    Ben Cloward

    ·5 years ago·
  • Ben Cloward

    All of the videos from the first DVD have now been released. The videos from the second DVD - which focuses on lighting and lighting models started coming out this week. You can watch them here:


    A new one will be released each weekday.


    Ben Cloward

    ·5 years ago·

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