
An Artist Reimagined Deus Ex's UI

Ivan Efimov tried to imagine what the modernized interface of Deus Ex could look like if it was released on consoles.

Artist Ivan Efimov modernized the UI of Deus Ex trying to imagine what it would look like if it was released on consoles today. The artist showed his vision of the main menu, difficulty levels, skills screen, in-game HUD, dialogue options, inventory, and other elements.

Efimov noted that the game's cover artwork is "so iconic and powerful" that it should be made into key imagery throughout the game and marketing.

The artist left only four quick slots for augmentations for the game controls to work on a gamepad. He also added an accuracy percentage near the reticle.

In the overhauled UI, all of the player's ammo is stored on a separate inventory grid, the keyring item was removed, and the nanokeys were moved to the database tab.

Efimov shared that he always thought that Deus Ex would be a perfect game for a UI reimagining design project.

Here are some other works from the artist's portfolio:

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Comments 2

  • Anonymous user

    I wish we could get a remake 1:1 of the original game. Just in new updated graphics but same systems. A dream for sure. I don't think it'll ever happen though ?


    Anonymous user

    ·2 years ago·
  • Anonymous user

    Classics like these should be remade with updated graphics and same story. Unless those classics' stories would now be considered cringe or offensive, idn.


    Anonymous user

    ·2 years ago·

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