
Artist Showered Real Bird in Blender Water

Looks pretty authentic.

Reddit user Pumasing showed a fun Blender project where they poured CG water on footage of a real bird. The creator filmed the bird sitting on the fence, tracked its motion, and modeled the geometry and animation. They shared that the head movements were done manually. Then they added fluid simulation and rendered the scene with materials.

Pumasing used default glass material "with some slight tweaks" and added a big light plane to brighten the scene up.

"I spent maybe 2 days putting it together, when it had low res purple goop landing on it and I accidentally animated the beak facing the other way cuz I did it in orthographic view, then I kinda got obsessed with polishing it and spent some days more on and off," said the artist.

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Comments 1

  • Anonymous user

    But the bird's feathers did not change


    Anonymous user

    ·2 years ago·

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