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Awesome Wind-Blown Vegetation Simulations in Houdini

The author utilized the software's Vellum Solver to simulate branches and leaves.

Berk Erdag, a talented FX Houdini Artist who just recently wowed us by thoroughly recreating the effects of a 1955 atomic explosion test in 3D, continues experimenting with digital wind, this time unveiling a series of realistic wind-blown vegetation simulations.

Transitioning from the destructive winds of a nuclear blast to the gentle forces of nature, Berk has simulated different plants responding to various types of wind, including a fierce hurricane and a gentle breeze. According to the artist, these simulations were created in Houdini using its Vellum Solver to replicate the movement of branches and leaves.

And here are some of Berk's earlier projects, you can check out more by clicking this link:

Previously, Procedural Artist Valeri "Val" Barashkov and Blender enthusiast Jesse "Blenderesse" Miettinen also experimented with wind-blown CG trees, using Blender and its Geometry Nodes toolset to achieve some impressive results:

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