
Crysis 4 Has "Great Team" Working on It

The game is still in development.

It's been almost two years since Crysis 4 was announced, but the details about it have been scarce. Last year, Mattias Engstrom, known for directing Hitman 3, was appointed as a game director, and Crytek has been actively looking for talent ever since.

If you're afraid the next Crysis game won't ever come out, don't worry: David Fifield, Crytek's general manager, has recently shared that it's still in development and a "great team" is taking care of it.

"Crysis 4 is currently still in development and we have a great team working on it! We will update once we have more details on it down the line," he told MP1st.

Image credit: Crytek, Saber Interactive | Crysis 3 Remastered

Unfortunately, no one knows when this time will come, so we might see more newsless years ahead.

It's been a decade since Crysis 3. The remastered version of the game was released in 2021 to a generally positive reception.

"Returning to the fight as super-soldier Prophet, wielding a powerful auto-loading Predator Bow that fires electric, explosive, and carbon arrows, take on new and old enemies that threaten the peace you worked so hard to achieve. The search for the alien Alpha Ceph continues, but now you must also expose the truth behind the C.E.L.L. corporation, which has turned New York City into a sprawling urban rainforest sheltered by a giant nanodome."

At this point, it's anyone's guess what the next Crysis is going to be about. I just hope it meets fans' expectations after such a long time.

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