
Cyberpunk 2077 Art from Josan Gonzalez

Comic artist Josan Gonzalez has recently shared a series of works done for CD Projekt Red.

Comic artist Josan Gonzalez has recently shared a series of works done for CD Projekt Red. The artist states that the works have been made to illustrate the steelbook cover art for Cyberpunk 2077’s collector’s editions.

“Last year I had the chance to work with CDProjekt Red to create the artworks for the steelbook editions of Cyberpunk 2077. There are four covers, each one depicting one gang from Nightcity: Valentinos, Maelstrom, Tyger Claws and Voodoo Boys,” said the artist. “I believe you can get the steelbooks if you pre-order and you get a different one depending on which retailer you pre-order from, but I only did the art so for that check with CDProjekt / your friendly retailer.”

You can his Kickstarter and ArtStation pages for more works.

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