The game revolves around Solas and won't be out this year.
BioWare has lifted the veil of secrecy and revealed the name of the next Dragon Age game. Dragon Age: Dreadwolf will focus on Solas, unsurprisingly as it is one of his names. Moreover, the trailer released in 2020 didn't leave any room to doubt who the antagonist was going to be.
Interestingly enough, 'Dread Wolf' is usually written in two words, which made the fans speculate why the name of the fourth game in the franchise is only one. Some say it's an anagram for Fade World, which Solas is strongly connected to. The developers haven't commented on this.
All we know now is that Dragon Age 4 was in the middle of production in February. BioWare has promised to share more information in 2022, while Jeff Grubb said the Dreadwolf is planned to be released in 2023.
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