
Fluffy Fur Shader for Cute Cat in Mecha

Pavel Oliva continues his experiments with Unreal Engine.

Pavel Oliva has shared his new Unreal Engine project, and you will love this adorable cat in a mecha (well, out of it in the latest showcase.) 

Oliva created a fluffy shell-based shader and some procedural animations with noises and interpolations to make sure you can't fight its cuteness. The only thing the cat is missing is a tail, which is not necessary for the project, but I'd love to see it with the shader.

As it often is with sweet small creatures, the cat has bigger plans for the world than just enjoying admiring gazes – you can see it practicing its aim inside the mecha in Oliva's earlier post:

The creator is exploring Unreal Engine at the moment, as you can see in his fence generator, but you should also check out his Blender works, like the Buildify Geometry Nodes library, desert kit, ivy bridge generator, 50 cent rig, and other projects on X/Twitter.

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