
Marmoset Toolbag 4.03 Available

Check out what's new in the latest update.

Marmoset launched Toolbag 4.03 which adds hardware-accelerated render denoising on Nvidia RTX GPUs and improved CPU denoising. What is more, the new version introduces new selection, object manipulation, colour picking, texture painting, and material editing controls.

The key feature in the latest release is GPU render denoising on Nvidia GPUs. The toolkit supports hardware acceleration via the RT cores in current-gen RTX GPUs. GeForce 10 series cards and newer can also be used for this task.

There's also a new High Quality mode for CPU denoiser that allows users to preserve fine details. Among other updates there's a new colour picker to sample multiple materials simultaneously or work on a per-map basis.

You can learn all about the latest update here

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