The new features include DirectX 12 support, motion blur, improvements to the depth of field, lens flares, shadow catchers, and grain.
This artwork is created by Senior Environment Artist Jake Woodruff, and Senior Technical Animator Kyle Moody.
Marmoset released Toolbag 4.04 – an update to its real-time rendering software – that includes a number of new features.
One of the most important changes is the migration of the rendering backend from DirectX 11 to 12 on Windows. Nvidia RTX cards use DXR instead of NVIDIA OptiX for hardware-accelerated ray tracing, which is now also supported on AMD RX cards. The switch is supposed to reduce memory use.
The update also added a physically accurate ray-traced depth of field (DoF) effect. The CPU DoF effect has been removed, which makes renders faster when DoF is enabled.
Additionally, the Toolbag has a new motion blur system, which can now be rendered for image and video renders but can't be previewed in the viewport yet.
The new lens flare effect now mimics flares from real camera lenses and is generated from direct lights rather than bright pixels on the screen.
Another effect that was changed is Film Grain, which is now randomized in each frame and provides two grain styles: film and digital.
The shadow catcher system gets an Indirect Shadow option that captures bounced lighting and reflections when ray tracing is enabled.
Other changes affect the autosave system: you can now set a save interval, change the number of saves per scene, and decide on the maximum size of the autosave directory.
Toolbag's asset library can now be opened in several windows, and you can select multiple assets, like materials and skies, and drag them into the scene.
Marmoset Toolbag 4.04 is available in beta. You can find the full list of changes here. Also, don't forget to join our new Reddit page, our new Telegram channel, follow us on Instagram and Twitter, where we are sharing breakdowns, the latest news, awesome artworks, and more.