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Microsoft Confirmed – New Xbox is Being Developed

"We're already hard at work on new hardware and platforms, some of which won't come to light for years."

Microsoft has revealed that they already work on new consoles, but some of them will not be revealed anytime soon. In an interview taken by Eurogamer, Liz Hamren, CVP of Gaming Experiences and Platforms confirms that the company is already working on new hardware.

“We’re already hard at work on new hardware and platforms, some of which won’t come to light for years. But even as we build for the future, we’re focused on extending the Xbox experience to more devices today so we can reach more people," claims Hamren. "While we continue to expand in PC and mobile, the console remains our flagship experience. We want to deliver the most powerful, capable consoles in the world, devices that empower our players to enjoy amazing games for years to come, including gameplay we can't even imagine yet."

Do keep in mind that Microsoft launched its latest Xbox Series X and Xbox Series S consoles last year, so it’s likely the new hardware the company is working on won’t be revealed for a long time.

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